Journal of Behavior Analysis

Atferli – Journal of the association for behavioral analysis in Iceland


  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir, Ph.D., University of Iceland
  • Valdimar Sigurðsson, Ph.D., Reykjavík University
  • Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, BA, National University of Ireland, Galway

Atferli, the journal of the Association for Behavioral Analysis in Iceland, was founded on the fifth anniversary of the association in November 2009. The purpose of Atferli is to be a forum for research in behavioral analysis in Icelandic as well as a critical discussion of theories and concepts in behavioral analysis.

Editorial direction
Atferli accepts articles in applied behavior analysis, clinical psychology, work and safety psychology, methodology, philosophy of behavior analysis and psychology, basic research in behavior analysis, history of behavior analysis and reviews of Icelandic and foreign textbooks and textbooks. The editorial board also specifically asks for terms and translations of behavioral analysis terms in Icelandic. Students in behavioral analysis, both in Iceland and abroad, are especially encouraged to submit research articles. In Atferli, only content that has not been published elsewhere is published.

Publication process
Authors are kindly requested to send articles to the editorial board (, who will inform the author(s) whether the articles will be peer-reviewed. If the article is considered suitable for peer review, it is sent for double-blind and anonymous peer review to two peer reviewers. Peer reviewers have 6 weeks to submit an opinion and that opinion is sent to the authors.
Behavior is an online journal and articles will appear on the journal’s website as soon as the peer review process is complete. This way it is easy for other authors to respond or add to published articles and have their response published in the same issue as the original article. Each issue is published from the beginning of November to the end of October each year.
Authors are asked to adhere to the 5th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Guidelines. The main rules are the following (translated and localized from Behavior and Philosophy):

  • An abstract that is no longer than 200 words but summarizes the main content of the article and the results.
  • The abstract must be in both Icelandic and English.
  • Information on email addresses, telephone numbers and addresses of authors of articles must be provided.
  • Select key terms (e. key words) under the abstract, not less than three and not more than ten.
  • References follow the main text of the article.
  • References should be in text and not in footnotes.
  • Figures and tables, as well as descriptions of figures and tables, should be inserted in the text in the places where the author wants them to appear. Descriptions of figures and tables should be in 10-point font. Authors are kindly requested to cite figures and tables on the same page or immediately before the figure or table appears if possible.
  • Figures and tables should not go beyond the margins of the written text.
  • Use italics not underline.
  • Use footnotes sparingly. If footnotes are used, they should be in 10-point font.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for images and tables as well as text longer than 500 words.
  • Articles must be written in one column, justified on both sides (e. justified), side spacing 4.5 cm, margins above and below the text must be 3.5 cm.

More information can be found here

(2009). Editorial column.

(2009) Participation of shelters

(2009) Incentive system effects

(2012). Effects of video demonstrations.

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