Final theses

  • Aðalheiður Magnúsdóttir, Arnheiður Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Erla Ingvadóttir, Kristín Arnardóttir, Pétur G. Pétursson, Þorbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir and Þorgerður S. Guðmundsdóttir (1984). Basic lessons in reading. Unpublished B. Ed. final thesis, Reykjavík, Iceland Teachers College.
  • Alma Rún Ólafsdóttir and Berglind Aradóttir (2006). The effect of teaching Spanish through touch and understanding on the presentation of Icelandic and Spanish internal expressions in five-year-old preschool children. Unpublished final thesis, Akureyri, University of Akureyri.
  • Anna Ingeborg Pétursdottir (2006). An evaluation of intraverbal training and listener training for teaching categorization skills. Doktorsritgerð, Kalamazoo, MI, Western Michigan University.
  • Anna Ingeborg Pétursdottir (2004). Functional interdependence of mands and tacts in preschool children. Óútgefin lokaritgerð, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
  • Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir (1996). Behavior therapy for autistic children: On the transfer of learning to hot body part teaching. Unpublished final thesis. Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir (2001). Instructional techniques based on applied behavior analysis: Staff training and effects on skills. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Anna Valdimarsdóttir (1977). Traditional personality assessment or behavioral analysis? Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Arna Guðrún Jónsdóttir (2001). Application of teaching exercises from behavioral therapy in the speech therapy of a boy with autism. Unpublished final thesis. Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Atli Freyr Magnússon (1996). Treatment of autistic children in Iceland: Evaluation of the adjustment of six to thirteen-year-old autistic children. Unpublished final thesis. Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Atli F. Magnússon (2002). Topography of eye movements under select and reject control. Mastersritgerð, Boston, MA, Northeastern University.
  • Ásta Björnsdóttir (2007). Evaluation of the selection and strengthening power of token grants when grants are selected before or after a project. Unpublished BA final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Ásta Særún Þorsteinsdóttir and Lilja Rós Aðalsteinsdóttir (2006). The effect of internalization teaching and understanding teaching on understanding and internalization in four children of preschool age. Unpublished final thesis, Akureyri, University of Akureyri.
  • Bára Kolbrún Gylfadóttir (2003). The use of behavioral therapy in the teaching of the past tense in a boy with an interactive developmental disorder. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Edda Jóna Gylfadóttir and Svandís Ása Sigurjónsdóttir (1995). Autism: Does treatment work? Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Einar Þór Ingvarsson (2002). The effects of non-differential and differential reinforcement on problem behaviors and accuracy of responding of autistic children. Óútgefin lokaritgerð, University of North Texas, Denton.
  • Einar Þór Ingvarsson (2005). An evaluation of the importance of the density and contingency of positive reinforcement in the treatment of escape-maintained behavior. Lokaritgerð, University of Kansas, Lawrence.
  • Einar Örn Einarsson (2000). Support staff training: transfer of learning material on behavior modification from a course in school. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Einar Guðmundsson (1980). Skinner’s objections to psychicism. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Elva Björk Sigurðardóttir (1999). Application of behavior analysis in teaching. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, Iceland Teachers College.
  • Eva S. Káradóttir and Margrét K. Indriðadóttir (2001). Practical behavior analysis in school work. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Funi Sigurðsson and Sölvi Tryggvason (2003). Is it possible to change attitudes towards drugs through conditioning? Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Gabríela Sigurðardóttir (1985). Rehabilitation of mental patients. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Guðberg K. Jónsson and Kristján Grímsson (1994). Adolescent identity and the form of communication. Unpublished thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Guðfinna S. Bjarnadóttir (1991). Programming Training Materials for Work Redesign Problem Solving. Unpublished final thesis, Morgantown, WV: West-Virginia University.
  • Guðmundur Bjarni Arnkelsson (1981). Skinner’s description of the term “Internal Processes.” Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Guðmundur Torfi Heimisson (2004). The importance of program-delivered differential reinforcement in the development of classical music auditory discrimination. Unpublished final thesis, Tampa, University of South Florida.
  • Guðný Bergthóra Tryggvadóttir (2000). Training support workers to use behavior management techniques: Transfer of training. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1977). Is behavior modification useful for changing smoking habits? Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Haukur Freyr Gylfason (2002). Behavioral Finance: Expert and Lay Performance. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Hildur Jóna Bergthórsdóttir (2004). SOS! Help for parents: Summary of results from TOPI A and TOPI B in the years 2001 to 2003. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Hildur Valdimarsdóttir and Lilja Ýr Halldórsdóttir (2005). Behavioral therapy to increase the variety of food intake of a boy with autism. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Hörður Þorgilsson (1979). Effects of reward on self-stimulating behavior. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir (1999). Rehabilitation of the communication behavior of an adult aphasic patient using the methods of behavioral analysis. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir (2001). Using functional communication training to decrease aberrant behavior maintained by access to food. Unpublished master’sresearch, University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD.
  • Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir (2006). Evaluating the efficacy of individualized behavior treatment plans and staff training in the reduction of problem behaviors in a geriatric psychiatric sample. Óútgefin doktorsritgerð, University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD.
  • Íris Árnadottir (2003). The effects of “errorless” training and testing on the performances of typically developing children during acquisition and retention. Óútgefin lokaritgerð, University of North Texas, Denton, Tx.
  • Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson (2004). On Skinner’s reactionism and radical behaviorism. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Jón Hákon Halldórsson (2002). Participants’ experience of the course SOS – Help for parents. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Kjartan F. Ólafsson (2004). Functional behavior analysis in school: Using a motivational system to increase obedience and learning behavior in a boy with attention deficit disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Kristin Hallgrímsdóttir (1981). Behavioral treatment and addiction: A review of experiments 1.1.1978-31.3.1981. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Kristin Guðmundsdóttir (2002). A measurement system for monitoring play in typically developing children and children with autism. Unpublished final thesis, University of North Texas, Denton, Tx.
  • Kristján Guðmundsson (1983). The Emergence of B.F. Skinner´s Theory of Operant Behavior: A Case Study in the History and Philosophy of Science. Óútgefin lokaritgerð, The University of Western Ontarion, London, Ontario, Canada.
  • Lísa Björk Reynisdóttir (2001). Different implementations of behavioral therapy for children with autism. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Magnússon, AF (2002). Topography of eye movements under select and reject control. Unpublished final thesis, Boston, Northeastern University.
  • Margrét Birna Þórarinsdóttir (2001). Teaching self-control for elementary school students with chronic behavioral problems. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • María Huld Ingólfsdóttir (2004). Behavioral therapy for sleep disorders in young children. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Páll Jakob Líndal (2003). Positive and negative reinforcement of alcohol consumption. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Ragnar S. Ragnarsson (1992). Driving speed and its relationship with traffic accident frequency and severity, and two enforcement strategies. Óútgefin lokaritgerð, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  • Ragnar S. Ragnarsson and Thröstur Björgvinson (1989). The effect of speed display on driving speed in Icelandic traffic. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Rakel Dögg Hafliðadóttir (2006). A comparison of four methods of teaching preschool children words in a foreign language. Unpublished final thesis, Akureyri, University of Akureyri.
  • Sigurrós Jóhannsdóttir (2003). Self-assessment and peer tutoring to increase the social skills of Icelandic school children. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Sólveig Huld Guðmundsdóttir (2002). Parental training for child abuse. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Valdimar Sigurðsson (2003). Development of a decision model to improve the effectiveness of behavioral therapy: Comparing the validity of the matching law and a new model for the design of behavioral therapy. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland
  • Valdimar Sigurðsson (2005). Behavioral analysis as a conceptual system for analyzing the effects of the market councils. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Valgerður Magnúsdóttir (1985). Dental phobia: learning theories and experiments with holistic treatment. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir (1989). Sequential learning and equivalence classes. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Carbondale IL, Southern Illinois University.
  • Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir (1992). Establishing classes of Icelandic nouns with a stimulus equivalence paradigm. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Boston MA, Northeastern University.
  • Þorgerður Kristín Thráinsdóttir (2003). Performance management in retail: an applied behavior analysis in the workplace. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Þórhallur Örn Flosason (2004). The effect of direct instruction, flash training and a reward system on the performance of a student with a learning disability. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Þórhallur Örn Flosason (2007). The role of the interteach in interteaching. Unpublished master’s thesis, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.
  • Ægir Már Þórisson (2001). Safety behavior and safety behavior in a smelter. Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
  • Ævar Þórólfsson (2000). Functional behavior analysis: the effect of training on the communication skills of a person with aphasia: Unpublished final thesis, Reykjavík, University of Iceland.
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