Law of SATIS

Approved at the founding meeting of the association at the University of Reykjavík, August 15, 2004 with changes on August 26, 2005, October 18, 2007, May 17, 2010 and May 10, 2022, where the association was also changed to a professional association.

1. gr.

The company’s name is the Association for Behavior Analysis in Iceland, abbreviated as SATÍS. In English, the association is called the Icelandic Association for Behavior Analysis, abbreviated ICEABA.

2 art. The purpose of the company is

  • to be a forum for behaviorists/behaviourists, postgraduate students in behavior analysis and people interested in behavior analysis about the growth and development of behavior analysis in Iceland.
  • to keep a register of behaviorists/behaviourists and clinical behaviourists/behaviourists in Iceland and ensure that it is regularly updated on the company’s website.
  • to evaluate applications for membership of the association
  • to set up an ethics committee 
  • to have a forum for suggestions regarding possible violations of ethics and direct issues to the ethics committee
  • to promote the continuing education of clinical behaviorists/behaviourists
  • to present and communicate knowledge of behavior analysis.
  • to promote well-being and increased quality of life through the methods of behavioral analysis.
  • to support applied research and preliminary research based on conceptual systems, techniques or methodologies of behavioral analysis.
  • to support students who are going to specialist studies in behavior analysis and others who want to increase their knowledge of behavior analysis.
  • to connect with and support students in behavioral analysis and those who have completed postgraduate studies in the discipline.
  • to promote collaboration with specialist associations in the field of behavioral analysis within and outside the country.
  • working towards specialist certification for clinical behaviourists/behaviourists

Article 3 Conditions for membership.

Membership in SATIS can be in the following ways:

3.1. Professional membership of those who meet the requirements and are on the register of the association of clinical behaviourists/behaviourists or behaviourists/behaviourists and pay membership fees. (See table at the end)

3.2. Additional membership a) people who work in the field of behavioral analysis but have not completed studies in the field b) people interested in behavioral analysis, c) service recipients of behaviorists/behaviourists or relatives of service recipients. Additional membership gives rights to participate in the association’s work, but does not give voting rights or voting rights to the board or positions of responsibility. (See table at the end)

3.3 Student membership a) Students in a postgraduate course in behavioral analysis. Student membership entitles them to participate in the work of the association, but they do not have the right to vote or be elected to the board. (See table at the end)

3.4. Honorary membership of the behaviourists/behaviourists who have been appointed honorary members of SATIS by the society. (See table at the end

Article 4 The board of the organization.

The board of the association consists of three members with professional membership: Chairman, treasurer and secretary who is also the deputy chairman.
The term of office of each board member is two years. A consecutive board seat is allowed for three consecutive terms. The board is elected at a general meeting and a simple majority determines the election. In an even-numbered year, the chairman and secretary are elected, while in an odd-numbered year, the treasurer is elected. The board is authorized to assign tasks to individual members that are in accordance with the purpose and goals of the association.

Other positions of responsibility are elected at the general meeting:  

a) Two members with professional membership must be elected annually to examine the company’s accounts

b) three members with professional membership shall be elected every two years to review the applications of members who wish to enter the register of clinical behaviourists/behaviourists 

c) three members with professional membership must be elected every two years to the ethics committee and they must be clinical behaviorists/behaviourists 

d) one member with professional membership will be elected election supervisor for three years 

e) five to seven members (preferably one with student membership and one with secondary membership) will be elected to the conference committee every other year 

Article 5 Election to the board of directors, electoral process and supervisor of elections.

Those who have professional membership and are free of debt to the association have the right to vote and vote at the general meeting.

Members can nominate a member for a board seat or volunteer for a board seat, provided they have a professional membership, by notification to the election supervisor, or by notification on the association’s mailing list/website in the month of March in an election year.

The election supervisor ensures that: 

  • receive nominations for election to offices and statements of those who intend to be elected to the board before April 1, and make sure that the nominees want to be elected.
  • prepare and advertise a list of members who are up for election on the organization’s website/mailing list by April 5 in an election year and call for information. from them about their future vision, plans and priorities.
  • receive members’ proposals for legal changes by April 1 and send them to the board by April 5. 
  • accept the votes of members who cannot attend the general meeting on board elections and legislative amendment proposals.
  •  supervise the board and legal changes election at the general meeting.
  • supervise the counting of votes received electronically and from the general meeting and publish the election results on the association’s mailing list.
  • supervise the electronic elections assigned to him by the board between general meetings.

The moderator is bound by a duty of confidentiality regarding how individual members vote and must erase all signs of senders of electronic votes. This duty of confidentiality remains even if the person leaves the job. The supervisor can nominate a substitute at the company’s meetings if it happens that the supervisor cannot come to the meeting. This deputy will temporarily perform tasks assigned to him by the supervisor, such as counting votes. The deputy supervisor is bound by the same duty of confidentiality as the supervisor.e) Members with professional membership who cannot attend the general meeting can vote electronically for the board and on changes to the law, even if they do not attend the general meeting. Votes for board elections and legal changes must be sent to the supervisor at least 24 hours before the general meeting

Article 6 General meeting.

The general meeting shall be held in Iceland in May of this year whenever possible. The board must announce the general meeting on the association’s mailing list and website at least 20 days before the general meeting. Members without computer access will be sent a meeting invitation by regular mail as long as they have asked the board of the association for it.
The supervisor submits legislative change proposals to the board. The board of directors shall present proposed legislative changes in the notice of the general meeting.
A general meeting is legal and has a quorum if it is legally convened.
The decisions of the general meeting are the supreme authority of the association.
Board elections must be secret. Other elections shall be secret if the proposal is legally approved.
The association’s accounts must be presented at the general meeting and be accessible to everyone and arranged in an orderly manner.

At the general meeting, the following issues shall be on the agenda:

 1. The company’s board gives a report on its work in the past year.
2. The treasurer provides a clear account of the organization’s financial activities.
3. Audited accounts of the board submitted for approval.
4. Annual fee fixed for one year. The annual fee for students shall correspond to 50% of the general annual fee.
5. Legal amendments introduced and voted on. 6. Election to the board and other positions of responsibility
7. Plan for next year’s work.
8. Other matters.

Article 7 Association meetings and board meetings.

 a) The board of the association shall call for membership meetings when necessary .
b) The board is obliged to call a general meeting if at least half of the members so request.
c) The Board of Directors shall ensure that members who are unable to attend meetings can vote on matters electronically before the meeting, during the meeting, or for one week after the meeting ends.
d) The board can vote on individual proposals without calling a general meeting. Proposals to be voted on must be published by the board on the company’s mailing list and website. Voting ends three weeks after publication, following a free discussion on the organization’s website/Facebook page, and is only electronic. The election supervisor accepts electronic votes and publishes the results to the board and members on the association’s mailing list and website.
e) Members can send questions, suggestions and ideas about the association’s work to the board on the association’s mailing list. The board is obliged to respond to such submissions within two weeks of the publication of the submission.
f) The board determines the frequency of board meetings.
g) The board shall keep minutes of board, association and general meetings and publish them on the company’s mailing list.

Article 8 Rights and obligations of members.

a) Members must behave in accordance with the association’s laws and the decisions of the general and membership meetings.
b) A member with a professional membership has the right to vote and attend meetings if he has paid the association’s annual fee for the scheduled meeting.
c) A member who has not paid the association’s annual fee by October 1 of each year is no longer considered a member. Membership follows the board’s year of service, i.e. from one general meeting to the next.
d) A member may be removed from the association if he has seriously acted against its purpose and goals as well as/or the SATIS code of conduct. A decision on dismissal regarding a violation of the code of ethics is made by the SATIS board after a conclusion is obtained from the ethics committee. Other issues that do not concern the code of conduct are taken by the members attending the general meeting and must be supported by 2/3 of the attendees. An expelled member can be reinstated in the organization after one year, if the person so wishes and 2/3 of the attendees of the general meeting are therefore recommended.
e) Members who have reached the age of 67 become honorary members with the same rights and obligations as ordinary members but do not have to pay an annual fee to the association. f) Members who are on the Association’s Register of Clinical Behaviourists/Behaviourists are required to submit every other year a summary of continuing education against BACB standards (see .pdf ). 

Article 9 Website.

The board of SATÍS manages the company’s website.

Article 10 Dissolution of company.

 The association may be dissolved at a meeting that has been called at the request of 2/3 of the members, as long as 2/3 of the members attend the meeting. In order for the association to be dissolved, 2/3 of the attendees must approve a proposal to that effect. The assets of the association shall then go to the libraries of the universities that offer courses in the field of behavior analysis, for the purchase of books or magazines in that field. If there is more than one university, the amount is shared equally among the respective institutions.

Article 11 Legal changes.

 The association’s bylaws may only be changed at a lawful general meeting. A change in the law has taken place if 2/3 of the voting participants vote for the change. The prerequisite for voting on a change in the law is that it has been announced in the notice of the general meeting of the board 20 days before the meeting.  

This law was first approved on August 15, 2004

The law was amended on August 26, 2005

The law was amended on October 18, 2007

The law was amended on May 17, 2010

The law was amended on May 10, 2022

 Table of membership

ClassCriteria for membership in SATIS Required data
Professional membership a) A behaviourist/behaviourist
has completed a master’s degree in behavior analysis that falls under the VCS educational standards or ABAI Tiered Model 1, 2a or 2b 1 


has completed a master’s degree in a related discipline (psychology, educational sciences) with a focus on behavior analysis and a final project in behavior analysis


has completed a master’s degree in related discipline and published research within behavior analysis in peer-reviewed journals 


c) PhD in Behavior Analysis or Psychology or in related subjects with a focus on behavior analysis (Doctoral thesis must have been in the field of behavior analysis) b

) clinical behaviorist/behaviourist
Until 2024, the same educational requirements as for behaviourists/behaviourists as well as having worked in the field under the supervision of an expert. 
After 2024, clinical behaviourists/behaviourists must have completed a master’s degree in behavior analysis that meets the VCS educational criteria or ABAI Tiered Model 1 or 2a and have worked under the supervision of a behaviourist/behaviourist in a clinical setting under the new criteria (see Appendix B) To maintain the 

title clinical behaviorist/behaviourist, the person must submit a certificate of continuing education every two years
a) Diploma (course summary) 
b) and/or refer to BACB registry 
c) and/or final thesis (extract) and diploma
d) and/or contribution to behavioral analysis (eg articles) and diploma 

Clinical behaviourists/behaviourists
a) Diploma (course summary) 
b) and/or refer to BACB registry or VCS list of study programs
c) and/or final thesis (extract) and diploma
d) and/or contribution to behavioral analysis (eg articles) and diploma
e) and confirmation of experience in the field under the guidance of an expert 
Additional Membership
a) people who work in the field of behavior analysis but have not completed a postgraduate course in behavior analysis
 b) people interested in behavior analysis, 
c) service recipients of behaviorists/behaviourists or relatives of service recipients.
No data required
Student membership

Behavior analysis students 
Confirmation that the person is studying 
Honorary membership Behaviourists/Behaviourists who have been named Honorary Fellows by the Association. 
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