Press releases and advertisements

  • Doctor of Philosophy (1983, October 12). Doctor of philosophy – Presentation of Kristján Guðmundsson’s doctoral project, Morgunblaðið, p. 31.
  • Doctoral defense in educational psychology (2006, October 17). Presentation of Anna-Lindar Pétursdóttir’s doctoral defense. The morning newspaper, p. 11.
  • Private Tuition and Coaching (2005, August 18). Morning newspaper (advertisement), p. D21.
  • Parents, teachers, principals and counselors in school services. Reading materials, courses, presentations, customized on-site training, general behavioral and teaching advice. Local service. (2000, October 18) Morgunblaðið, (Advertisement), p. 33.
  • FnS (Freðræðnet Suðurlands): Course in click training (2005, August 11). Southern, p. 5.
  • Lecture on teaching technology – Presentation of Anna-Lindar Pétursdóttir’s seminar paper on Cand. Psych. his project. (2002, April 23). The morning newspaper, p. 55.
  • Health/Lecture and course on behavioral therapy and children’s autism. Promote development and skills daily. (2007, June 11). Interview with Kristína Guðmundsdóttir. (Advertisement). The morning paper
  • Course in behavioral therapy for children – presentation/advertisement. (2000, February 24). The morning newspaper, p. 59.
  • Presentations, talks and learning workshops for teachers and schools all over the country. (2006, January 7). Morgunblaðð, Menntun, (Advertisement), p. 21.
  • Defended doctoral thesis in psychology – Announcement of Finn Oddsson’s doctoral defense (2000, December 21). The morning newspaper, p. 9.
  • Comments (1) One Response to “Articles and research by Icelanders”
  • Lilja Ýr says: mars 20th, 2010 22:10 Valdimarsdóttir, H., Halldórsdóttir, L.Y. & Sigurðardóttir, Z.G. (2010). Increasing the variety of foods consumed by a picky eater: Generalization of effects across caregivers and settings, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 101-105.
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