Peer reviewed articles

Articles that have appeared in peer-reviewed academic journals

  • Austin, J., Sigurdsson, S. O., & Shpak, Y. (2006). An Examination of the Effects of Delayed versus Immediate Prompts on Safety Belt Use. Environment and Behavior, 38, 140-149.
  • Austin, J., Sigurdsson, S. O., & Helton, B. (2005). Using Supervisory Feedback and Public Posting of  Feedback to Increase Safety in a Manufacturing Setting. Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1, 187-196.
  • Bragason, O. (2004). Segmentation and the pairing hypothesis. Behavioral Processes, 67, 111-119.
  • Bragason, O, & Watanabe, S. (2000). Choice and distribution of primary and secondary inter-reinforcement intervals. International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3-4), 148.
  • Catania, A. C., Sveinsdóttir, I., Deleon, I. G., Christensen, A., & Hineline, P. N. (2002). The paradoxical vocabularies of topography-based and selection-based verbal behavior. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 3, 81-85.
  • DeLeon, I. G., Kahng, S., Rodriguez-Catter, V., Sveinsdóttir, I., & Sadler, C. (2003). Assessment of aberrant behavior maintained by wheelchair movement in a child with developmental disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 24, 381-390.
  • Davis, D. R., Bostow, D. E., & Heimisson, G. T. (2007). Strengthening scientific verbal behavior: An experimental comparison of progressiveley prompted and unprompted programmed instruction and prose tutorials. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 179-184.
  • Grace, R. C., & Bragason, O. (2004). Does the terminal-link effect depend on duration or reinforcement rate? Behavioral Processes, 67, 67-79.
  • Grace, R. C., & Bragason, O. (2005). Does sensitivity to magnitude depend on the temporal distribution of reinforcement? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 83, 169-184.
  • Grace, R. C., McLean, A., & Bragason, O. (2002). Can altruism be understood in terms of socially-discounted extrinsic reinforcement? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 259-260.
  • Grace, R. C., Bragason, O., & McLean, A. P. (2003). Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent chains. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 80, 235-252.
  • Green, G., Sigurdardottir, Z. G., & Saunders, R. R. (1991). The role of instructions in the transfer of ordinal functions through equivalence classes. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 55, 287-304.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2004). How can teaching be research? About skills training, measurement and assessment with Precision Teaching. Journal of Educational Research, 1, 83-101.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2007a). How did the prediction come true? A boy with autism taught to identify speech sounds and read through direct instruction and concise skills training. Parenting and Education, 16 (2), 67-94.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2007b).  Teaching an Icelandic student with autism to read by combining direct instruction and precision teaching.  European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 8, 289-304.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir, (2009). A student with severe dyslexia was taught to identify speech sounds and read through direct instruction and concise skill training.Journal of Educational Research, 6 , 27 – 50.
  • Hanley, G. P., Cammilleri, A. P., Tiger, J. H., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2007). A method for describing preschooler’s activity preferences. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 603-618.
  • Hanley, G. P., Heal, N. A., Tiger, J. H., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2007). Evaluation of a classwide teaching program for developing preschool life skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 277-300.
  • Hanley, G. P., Tiger, J. H., Ingvarsson, E. T., & Cammilleri, A. P. (in press). Influencing preschoolers’ free-play activity preferences: An evaluation of satiation and embedded reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Haukur Freyr Gylfason, Helga Þorsteinsdóttir and Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir. (2005). A monogram format used to assess the influence of a model in advertising. Research in Social Sciences VI. Department of Business and Economics, ed. Ingjaður Hannibalsson.
  • Haukur Freyr Gylfason, Linda María Þorsteinsdóttir and Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir. (2005). Quality of life of parents of children with Tourette’s syndrome. Research in Social Sciences VI. Faculty of Social Sciences, ed. Úlfar Hauksson
  • Hernandez, E., Hanley, G. P., Ingvarsson, E. T., & Tiger, J. H. (2007). A preliminary evaluation of the emergence of novel mand forms. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 603-618.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., & Hanley, G. P. (2006). An evaluation of computer-based programmed instruction for promoting teachers’ greetings of parents by name. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 203-214.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., Hanley, G. P., & Welter, K. M. (in press). Treatment of escape-maintained behavior with positive reinforcement: The role of reinforcement contingency and density. Education and Treatment of Children.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., & Kahng, S. (2006). Discriminative properties of reinforcement: Basic findings and applied implications. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 7, 153-157.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., Kahng, S., & Hausman, N. L. (in press). Some effects of response-independent positive reinforcement on escape behavior and compliance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., & Morris, E. K. (2004). Post-Skinnerian, post-Skinner, or neo-Skinnerian? Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, and Roche’s Relational frame theory: A post-Skinnerian account of human language and cognition. The Psychological Record, 54, 497-504.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., Tiger, J. H., Hanley, G. P., & Stephenson, K. M. (2007). An evaluation of intraverbal training procedures to generate socially appropriate responses to novel questions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 411-429.
  • Iversen, I. H., Ragnarsdottir, G. A., & Randrup, K. I. (1984). Operant conditioning of autogrooming in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 42, 171-189.
  • Jarmolowicz, D. P., Kahng, S., Ingvarsson, E. T., Goysovich, R. A., Heggemeyer, R., & Gregory, M. (in press). The effects of conversational versus technical language on measures of treatment preference and treatment integrity. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
  • Jakob Smári (2004). Where does the obsession belong? On the cognitive characteristics of compulsions and obsessions and the relationship between compulsions/obsessions and impulsivity. Research in the Social Sciences V, 705-714.
  • Karlsson, T., & Chase, P.N. (1996). A comparison of three prompting methods for training software use. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 16, 27-44.
  • Magnússon, A. F. (2003). Topography of eye movements under select and reject control [Rafræn útgáfa]. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin 21, 41.
  • Magnússon, A.F., & Gould, D.D. (2007). Reduction of automatically-maintained self-injury using contingent equipment removal. Behavioral Interventions, 22, 57-68.
  • Miguel, C. F., Petursdottir, A. I., & Carr, J. E. (2005). The effects of multiple-tact and receptive-discrimination training on the acquisition of intraverbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 21, 27-41.
  • Miguel, C. F., Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., & Michael, J. (in press). The role of naming in stimulus categorization by preschool children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
  • Magnús Kristjánsson (2004). The exaggerated death of behaviorism: A brief note on the history of psychology. Nordic Psychology, 56 (1), 40-49.
  • Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., Lechago, S. A., & Almason, S. M. (in press). An evaluation of intraverbal training and listener training for teaching categorization skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., & Michael, J. (2005). Emergence of mands and tacts of novel objects among preschool children. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 21, 59-74.
  • Petursdottir, A. I. , Olafsdottir, A. R., & Aradottir, B. (in press). The effects of tact training and listener training on the emergence of bidirectional intraverbal relations. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Petursdottir, A. L., McComas, J., McMaster, K., & Horner, K. (2007). The effects of scripted peer tutoring and programming common stimuli on social interactions of a student with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 353-357.
  • Pétursdóttir, A.L. & Sigurðardóttir, Z.G (2006). Increasing the skills of children with developmental disabilities through staff training and behavioral teaching techniques. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41, 264-279.
  • Ragnarsdóttir, G. Adda (1985). The Crisis Of “Crisis”? On Operant Grooming in the Albino Rat. Behavioural Processes /Behaviour Analysis Letters 10 (1- 2), 192-193.
  • Ragnarsson, R. S., & Björgvinsson, T. (1991). Effects of public posting on driving speed in Icelandic traffic. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24, 53-58.
  • Shabani, B. D., Carr, J. E., & Petursdottir, A. I. (in press). A laboratory model for studying response-class hierarchies. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • Shabani, D. B., Carr, J. E., Petursdottir, A. I., Esch, B. E., & Gillett, J. N. (2004). Scholarly productivity in behavior analysis: The most prolific authors and institutions from 1992 to 2001. The Behavior Analyst Today, 5, 235-243.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (2000). Effects of behavioral therapy on young children with autism. The Psychological Journal, 6, 89-105.
  • Sigurðardottir, Z.G. & Blöndahl, M. (2006).  Operant conditioning and errorless learning procedures in the treatment of chronic aphasia. International Journal of Psychology, 41, 527-540.
  • Sigurðardottir, Z.G., Einarsson, E.Ö., Tryggvadóttir, G.B. & Olafsdottir, H.A. (in press).  Effects of training teacher- aides in behavior management techniques. School Psychology International.
  • Sigurdardottir, Z. G., Green, G., & Saunders, R. R. (1990). Equivalence classes generated by sequence training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 53, 47-63.
  • Sigurdsson, S. O., & Austin, J. (in press). Using real-time visual feedback to improve posture at computer workstations. Journal of Applied Behavior
  • Analysis.
  • Sigurdsson, S. O., & Austin, J. (2006). Institutionalization and response maintenance in
  • Organizational Behavior Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 26(4), 41-77.
  • Solberg, K. M., Hanley, G. P., Layer, S. A., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2007). The effects of reinforcer pairing and fading on preschoolers’ snack selections. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 633-644.
  • Valdimar Sigurðsson (2005). Behavioral analysis as a conceptual system for analyzing the effects of the market councils. Research in the Social Sciences, VI, 503-514.
  • Þorsteinsson, H., & Sigurðardóttir, Z. G. (2007). Backward chaining used to teach a woman with Aphasia to read long words: A single case study. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis, 2, 81-90.
  • Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir and Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir. (2000). Effective ways to change the behavior of school children. Research in social sciences III.
  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir and Magnús Blöndahl Sighvatsson (2003). Treatment of chronic aphasia with errorless learning procedures and operant conditioning. Research in the social sciences, IV, Friðrik H. Jónsson editor, 505-518.
  • Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir and Magnús Blöndahl Sighvatsson. (2005). Treatment of chronic aphasia with errorless learning procedures: A direct replication. Research in Social Sciences VI. Faculty of Social Sciences, ed. Úlfar Hauksson.
  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir and Magnús Blöndahl Sighvatsson. (2006). An Analysis of Broca’s aphasia using a stimulus equivalence paradigm. Research in Social Sciences VII, Úlfar Hauksson (editor), Reykjavík: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Helsinki.
  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir and Sóley Jökulrós Einarsdóttir (2004). How long is the road from word to table? Research in the Social Sciences, V, 733-747.
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