Books, chapters and brochures

  • Ala’i-Rosales, S., Thorisdottir, S., & Etzel, B. C. (2003). Behavioral teacher training programs. In K. S. Budd & T. Stokes (Eds.), A small matter of proof: The legacy of Donald M. Baer (bls. 151-165). Reno, NV: Context Press.
  • Aldís Guðmundsdóttir and Jörgen Pind (2003). General Psychology: Mind, Brain, Behavior. Reykjavík: Language and culture.
  • Chase, P. N., & Bjarnadottir, G. S. (1992). Instructing variability: Some features of a problem-solving repertoire. In L. J. Hayes & S. C. Hayes (Eds.), Understanding verbal relations (bls. 181-193). Reno, NV: Context Press.
  • Finn Oddsson (2005). Does behavioral analysis have a role in business? In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.) Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 214-244). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1999). Take good advice. Refers to a behavior management manual for parents, teachers and counselors in school services. Akureyri: School service of Eyþing. Loose-leaf folder, 100 pages. ISBN: 0-9979-60-501-4
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2005). Examples of basic research: Molecular analysis of activities regulated by two parallel payment systems. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.), Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 117-160). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2005). How can problems in learning and behavior be prevented and solved with the skills training Precision Teaching? In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.) Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 176-213). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason (2005). SOS – help for parents. To change parenting in an entire part of the country. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir, and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.), Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 245-261). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason and others. (2005, May). ADHD. Educational material for parents, teachers and children. Reykjavík, ADHD association.
  • Ingvarsson, E. T., & Hanley, G. P. (2005). Scientific method. In N. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human development (pp. 1124-1126). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (editor). (2005). Where is she now?: The legacy of behaviorism in the 21st century. Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Kahng, S., Ingvarsson, E. T., Quigg, A. M., Seckinger, K. E., & Teichman, H. M. (in press). Defining and measuring behavior. In W. W. Fisher, C. C. Piazza, & H. S. Roane (Eds.), Handbook of applied behavior analysis. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
  • Kristján Guðmundsson (2005). The surprising origins of Skinner’s theory of operant behavior. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.) Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 12-51). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Kristján Guðmundsson and Lilja Ósk Úlfarsdóttir (2005). Introduction to Psychology. Reykjavík, JPV edition.
  • Magnús Kristjánsson (2005). Dennett and Skinner. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.) Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 52-63). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Miguel, C. F., & Petursdottir, A. I. (scheduled for publication). Naming and frames of coordination. In R. A. Rehfeldt, & Y. Barnes-Holmes (Eds.), Derived Relational Responding: Implications for Learners with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. New Harbinger.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (2000). Treatment of problematic behavior. In Bryndís Halldórsdóttir, Stefán Hreiðarsson and Tryggvi Sigurðsson (Editors), Developmental Disabilities (pp. 75-79). The government’s diagnostic and advisory center.
  • Sigurður J. Grétarsson (2003). Did she give up on the swings? The fate and legacy of behaviorism. In Kristján Kristjánson and Logi Gunnarsson (Eds.), Heimspekimessa (pp. 57-68). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Sigurður J. Grétarsson (2005). Skinner´s Psychology: Unique Solutions and Inherent Problems. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.), Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 64-77). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir (2005). The behavior that seemed to have no precedent. In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.) Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 78-97). Reykjavík: University Press.
  • Þorlákur Karlsson (2005). Why is the individual profile a more reliable research method than the group profile? In Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, Jara Kristina Thomasdóttir and Páll Jakob Líndal (eds.), Where is she now?: The legacy of behavioral policy in the 21st century (pp. 161-175). Reykjavík: University Press.
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