Non-peer reviewed articles

Articles and news published in newspapers, newsletters, non-peer reviewed magazines, etc.

  • Raised in a glass cage. (1981, October 6). The morning newspaper, p. 21.
  • All innovative signboards. (1988, June 29). The Time, p. 20
  • Anna Guðrún Steinsson (2005). Is my baby well? Education, 4, 18, 56-57.
  • Anna Ingeborg Pétursdóttir and Kristín Guðmundsdóttir (November 29, 2006). Behavior and expertise. The morning newspaper, p. 29.
  • Human behavior does not follow simple laws at all – interview with Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir. (1997, December 19). The morning newspaper, p. 8B.
  • Behavioral analysis grows on the side of the axis – About the establishment of the Association of Behavioral Analysis enthusiasts in Iceland. (2004, August 16). The morning newspaper, p. 31.
  • Eiríkur Örn Arnarson and Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (1983). The use of an individual trial format in evaluating the effectiveness of behavior therapy. The medical student, 36, 34-39.
  • Gabriela Sigurðardóttir (1996, March 18). Parallels between traffic violence and domestic violence. DV, p. 10.
  • Can cats detect drugs? Young scientists on their way to the European competition. (2004, September 24). The morning newspaper, p. 9.
  • Grímur Atlason (2001, April 1). The role of memory. The morning newspaper, p. 22B.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1991, April 13). A Pioneer in the Behavioral Sciences – About BF Skinner. Morgunblaðin’s reading book, 6-7.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1993, June 12). Teaching with computers and communication between them. Morgunblaðin’s reading book, p. 2.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1993). Distance education through computer communication. Morgunblaðin’s reading book, June 19, p. 10.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1996, March 29). Anyone can learn and learn a lot if they are taught well. The morning newspaper, p. 38.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1996). If the will grows, it will go well. Some basic principles of behavioral science when designing teaching materials. Computers, the journal of the Information Technology Association of Iceland 21, 4. (October), 19 – 25.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1997). When the giant roars – On the utility of behavioral science in quality management. Dropinn – magazine of the Icelandic Quality Management Association, 4, 10-11.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1998). Specialist services for children in primary schools. New Education Issues 16, 1, 29 – 35.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (1988). Research presentation: Behavioral research at H.Í. Newsletter of the University of Iceland 10, 1, 3 – 6,
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2000, January 8). Flying brings students I. – About Morningside School’s teaching technique. The morning newspaper, p. 30-31.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2000, January 22). Flying brings students II. – About Morningside School’s teaching techniques. The morning newspaper, p. 34-35.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2001). About the penalty point system in schools. Home and school newsletter 8, 2, 5 – 6.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2002). Clicker training. Same The magazine of the Iceland Dog Breeding Association. 24, 1 (May), 5 – 9.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2004, August 17). What is Behavior Analysis? The newspaper, p. 20.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2005, August 18). Behavioral analysis and educational counseling: Reading, writing and arithmetic. The morning newspaper, p. 48D.
  • Gunnar Haugen, Ægir Már Þórisson, Zuilma Gabriela Sigurðardóttir, Ragnar S. Ragnarsson, Finnur Oddsson, Atli F. Magnússon, Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir, Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir and Sigurður Óli Sigurðsson (2002, November 13). Systematic use of punishments undesirable. The morning newspaper, p. 33.
  • Guðríður Adda Ragnarsdóttir (2006, August 18). When the math gets way too hard. Morning newspaper, schools and courses, p. 45-46.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2002, 3rd tbl. 15th year). Want to get better at organizing yourself? Newsletter of the Association of Parents of Dysfunctional Children.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, January 23). How do you do homework with your child? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, January 30). How do you help your child study? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, February 6). Do you have a good relationship with the school your child attends? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, February 13). Is the granny rule used in your home? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, February 27). Does your child have good role models? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. ( 2003, March 11). Communication in families of hyperactive children. The morning paper.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003 March 27). Do you use rewards to improve your child’s academic performance? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2004, March 4). Increased parental responsibility. The morning paper.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, 2. tbl.16.arg.). The wolf time. Newsletter of the association of parents of children with AD/HD.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2003, April 16). Do you use written contracts to improve your child’s academic performance or behavior? Vík news.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (2005, May 29). Icelanders world champions in parenting? The morning paper.
  • Gylfi Jón Gylfason. (1998, August 9). Hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. The morning paper.
  • The short-haired cat attracts attention. About prize projects in the science competition for young people. (2004, September 29). The morning newspaper, p. 4.
  • Employee fear of change is normal. Interview with Guðfinna Bjarnadóttir. (1995, November 23). The morning newspaper, p. B8.
  • Karlsson, Th., Ragnarsdóttir, GA, Ragnarsson, RS Sigurðdardóttir, ZG & Thorisdóttir, S. (1997). Status of behavior analysis in Iceland. Association for Behavior Analysis Newsletter, 19. 15-16.
  • Kristín Guðmundsdóttir and Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (2006). Functional behavior analysis and young children with developmental disabilities. The Linguist, 19 (1). pp. 11-13.
  • Kristján G. Arngrímsson (2004, May 8). The baby in the box. The wandering story of raising Skinner’s daughters. Morgunblaðin’s reading book, p. 5.
  • Lárus Pétursson and Snorri Sigurðsson (1999, November 23). Fully automatic milking machine. Farmer’s newspaper, p. 5.
  • Freed from a closed world. Interview with Ivaar Lovaas and Sigríði Lóu Jónsdóttir (1995, May 28). The morning newspaper, p. 10.
  • Blamed the second hash cat – about the fate of the experimental animals used in the prize project of young scientists. (2004, October 29). DV, p. 12.
  • Matthews, T. J., Bragason, O., & Yee, B. (1991). The comparator ratio – stimulus-control of the numerator. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29, 474.
  • Treatment of post-stroke aphasia symptoms (2006 Oct 25). Rannís newspaper, p. 16.
  • Using sound decoys to attract maturity in herd fire (2007, July 11). The morning newspaper, p. 13.
  • Ragnarsdóttir, A., Ragnarsson, R., Þórisdóttir, S., Karlsson, T., & Sigurðardóttir, ZG (1996). The status of behavior analysis in Iceland. ABA Newsletter, 19, p. 15.
  • Ragnar S. Ragnarsson (2001, May 5). A strong and growing scientific discipline – about behavior analysis. The morning newspaper, p. 44.
  • Ragnar S. Ragnarsson (2002, February 7). School out in the swamp…? Sunnlenska news paper, p. 11.
  • Ragnheiður Briem (1986). The third point of view. Ný Menntamál, 4, 20-23.
  • Ragnheiður Briem (1999, May 15). Experience story of spelling teachers I. Morgunblaðið, p. 48.
  • Ragnheiður Briem (1999, May 22). The experience of spelling teachers II. The morning newspaper, p. 31.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (1997). Behavioral treatment of children with autism – Practical considerations. Umsjón, 20th anniversary publication of the Autism Association, 34-37.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir and Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir (1996). Behavior therapy for children with autism and related developmental disorders. The magazine Troskahjál, 18, 19-28.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir and Ingólfur Einarsson (2005). Early behavioral training for children with autism. Joy. Journal of education and school issues, 15, 12-19.
  • Sigríður Lóa Jónsdóttir (2003). Integration of children with autism in ABA behandlingforlöb – de islandske erfaringer. Autismebladet, 4, 17-20.
  • Sigríður Valgeirsdóttir (1972). Advanced learning and new assessment methods. Education, 45, 36-42.
  • Sigrún Heimisdóttir, Hermundur Sigmundsson and Sjöfn Evertsdóttir (2006, October 18). Do boys get the wrong reading lessons in schools? The morning newspaper, p. 32.
  • Sigurdsson, S. O., & Austin, J. (2002, Winter). Should we be measuring effect size in applied behavior analysis? OBM Network Newsletter, 16, 10-13.
  • Sigurjonsson, J.G., Thomasdottir, J.L. and Lindal, P.J. (2004). A 100th Birthday Conference, Behaviorology Today, 7, 2.
  • Psychology student signs reduce driving speed. (1988, July 30). The morning newspaper, p. 45.
  • “Signage” beats speed in traffic. (1988, July 27). The Time, p. 20.
  • Lack of common sense in school work – interview with Ragnheiði Briem. (1998, January 13). The morning newspaper, p. 32.
  • School for the Autistic Necessity (2007, August 12). The morning newspaper, p. 30
  • Aiming for improved service and increased efficiency. Performance management course for Reykjavík city officials. (1997, March 13). The morning newspaper, p. 13.
  • From the laboratory to the store. Presentation of Valdimar Sigurðsson’s doctoral project (2008, February 9). The morning newspaper, p. 43.
  • Do autistic children need an investor? (2008, August 12). The morning newspaper, p. 31.
  • Wants to see if telemedicine methods are suitable for Icelandic conditions. Interview with Kristína Guðmundsdóttir (2008, February 26). Farmer’s newspaper, p. 28.
  • Zuilma Gabríela Sigurðardóttir (2006, April 8). If a guy is boring, what should I do? The newspaper, p. 33.
  • Training from morning to night – About behavioral therapy for autism. (2001, February 9). The morning newspaper, p. 6D-7D.
  • Þorsteinn Gylfason (1980, May 3). Theory or blackmail. Morning newspaper p. 10-11.
  • The need for special schools for autistic people (2007, August 12). The morning newspaper, p. 1.
  • Driving speed decreased from 69 to 63 km/h. (1988, July 28). The Time, p. 3
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